Lawyer Offers Heartfelt Thanksgiving, Urges Purposeful Living

A prominent Benue State lawyer, Barr. Mrs. Debbie Amine, expressed her gratitude to God during a thanksgiving service held at the World Impact Church International, Makurdi, on Sunday.

Speaking to journalists on the reasons for her thanksgiving, Barr. Amine highlighted the divine connection she shares with Rev. Godwin Atim, the ministry’s General Overseer. “God brought the man of God, Rev. Godwin Atim, into my life years ago. Our paths crossed positively, and we’ve grown together like a seed. It’s been a blessing to me, and God has enabled me to contribute my part as well,” she stated.

The legal luminary emphasized her gratitude for the gift of life, acknowledging its divine source. “First of all, I thank God for life, a gift only He can give. No medical professional or the wealthiest person can give life. It’s a gift that money, medicine, and human knowledge cannot buy. I am grateful to God for life, for myself, and for my family.”

Reflecting on the new year, Barr. Amine encouraged people to live purposefully and align themselves with God’s plan. “If you’re alive and listening to me, it means God has a purpose for you. The psalmist said only the living can praise God. The fact that you’re alive is evidence of God’s purpose. We must not live aimlessly or without focus. Let us strive to fulfill the purpose for which God has kept us alive,” she urged.

Barr. Amine’s message resonated with the congregation, inspiring many to embrace a life of gratitude and purposeful living in the new year.









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